09 May 2009

Executive Outings

Super-duper-secret White House tapes to be released 5 May, 2032:

The President approaches a shirtless Joe Biden, washing his Trans Am on the White House driveway, 'Hey Joe, wanna knock off work and have a burger?'

'Sure Barry!  Whatever you say Chief and Commandante!'

'Secret service?  This is your Messiah.  I want the motorcade ready for a burger run, got it?  None of those 'planning' excuses either!'

'Hey Gibs, get those puppies of yours rounded up, we are going on a road trip to the frontier, let's see what things are like in Hicksville, USA!'

Robert Gibbs, 'May I ask where we are going, your Excellency?'


'Sir, shouldn't we take an airplane to go to Texas?'

'There is an Arlington in, where? Texas?  Fer-reel?'

'Yes Mr. President.'

'No, not that one, we are going to the one in Virginia.'

'Very good Sir, Hicksville USA, Arlington, Virginia.'

'Don't tell your press puppies that I called it that.'


'No, Hicksville,  and get someone from Interior or Commerce or, um, or someone to get one of the Arlingtons to change its name.  This is crazy like having more than one Springfield!'

The motorcade is assembled and the streets between the White House and Ray's Hell Burger are cleared.

The obedient press corps took their scraps of free-to-them meat and reported.  They had no idea that Reason Magazine's own Nick Gillispie has been onto them for a while.  Nick gave the puppy Press Corps a few hours of breathing room and launched this salvo:

Choice comments (not in any order or context):

Xeones | May 6, 2009, 8:28am | #
Yeah, Silent Cal in a headdress is kind of awesome. Barry O being all condescending about some hamburger is not. Fuck Barack Obama, yo.

Shut the fuck up, Bonnie Cosby.

FrBunny | May 6, 2009, 8:39am | #
I'll gladly pay you Tuesday...

SugarFree | May 6, 2009, 8:40am | #
whom he dismissed as "cheap dates."

That has to be related to RC's Law in some way. I mean, they are cheap dates, they spread their legs for vague promises of HOPEANDCHANGE after all, but I doubt Obama would like people to understand he's not kidding when he points it out.

But lest the liberals get their panties in a wad, this is no different than the 8,000 cut away shots of GWB clearing brush from his "ranch."

The problem isn't that they all do "commonmanisms," it's that the press reports on them with no recognition of how cynical they all are.
BakedPenguin | May 6, 2009, 8:43am | #
The Obamer does burgers? He should have taken his new secretary of Asian affairs to White Castle. After a couple tokes, of course.
Xanthippas | May 7, 2009, 2:59pm | #
OK, who linked to this story? We obviously got picked up by some damn partisan site somewhere. Fess up, now.

Yes a true partisan, John Cole.


If you're up for it, leave a comment there defending Gillespie and see what happens.


View White House Outing to Ray's Hell Burger in a larger map

Visited by 8 countries!

Okay, not the biggest WOO HOO but it is progress.  SukiSite has been visited by people in eight countries (listed in order of frequency, then by most recent):


The list of cities is pretty interesting too:

New York, NY, USA
Ft Myer, VA, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Arlington, VA, USA
Newark, NJ, USA
Dallas, TX, USA
Chicago, IL, USA
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Culver City, USA
Norwalk, CT
Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Jamaica Plain, MA, USA
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Aston, USA
Darby, NY, USA
Berkeley, CA, USA
San Diego, CA, USA
La Jolla, CA, USA
Natal, Brazil
Vienna, Austria
Louisville, CO, USA
Uppsala, Sweeden
Southfield, MI, USA
Zurich, Switzerland
Kilgore, TX, USA
Kissimmee, FL, USA
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Albuquerque, NM, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Roanoke, VA, USA
Piscataway, NJ, USA
Tucson, AZ, USA
West Haven, CT, USA
Dublin, Ireland
Portland, ME, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Mission Hills, CA, USA
Lakewood, NJ, USA
Fredericksburg, VA, USA
Kimberly, WI, USA
St Paul, MN, USA
Vernon Hills, USA

(Addition by John) Add Don Mills, Canada to the list.  Near Owen Mills.

Direct hits are the single greatest soruce, followed closely by referrals from Amy Aklon .  Reason, my bebo profile and this blog are bringing up the rear.

Thank you all for visiting!

Bad news for the LONEWACKO novel

Looks like SugarFree's blogsite has been taken down.  I hope it is just a glitch.

See previous post.

08 May 2009


SugarFree has a new blog and a new collaborative novel from the comments section of Hit & Run.

Chapter One is up now. Go take a peek!

- Suki ;)

Sad news. SugarFree pulled it down.

06 May 2009

Go visit Amy's Mall!

Hey, my mall is up now go check out Amy's.  She and her guy helped John set mine up!

Multi-Color Electrochromic Polymer Coatings

This stuff seems sort of old, but I CAN'T WAIT!  Multi-Color Electrochromic Polymer Coatings and John uses them in the book too!  For work it is mostly people at the World Bank, after work it is most "city people".

Suki does not like them, but all sorts of people have clothes, shoes, boots and wigs with EPC.  Can you imagine all of the porn erotica, clubbing and BDSM possibilities?

Extra coolness, the link above goes to SM (Storming Media).

-- Suki ;)

03 May 2009

Sarah Palin Poster

Check out today's Day by Day.

Cool Jobs at Facebook!

The ever adorable Timothy of Slashdot fame hips us to this:

theodp writes
"How'd you like a job where you get fired if you DON'T view porn at
Newsweek reports on
internal police force of
150 staffers
who are charged with regulating users'
decorum, hunting
spammers and working with actual law-enforcement agencies to
help solve
crimes. Part hall monitors, part vice cops, the $50,000-a-year 'porn
also keep Facebook safe for corporate advertisers."

Sure, it is a nice fantasy for a moment until you look at the salary! The fantasy continues to deteriorate when you think about what some people think is appealing and you don't.

I wonder if the Electrical Worker's union can hook these guys with cardcheck?