15 January 2011

Video James Eric Fuller Arrested, Accused of Threats Against Tea Party Spokesman

From the who-are-the-dangerous-hate-yelling-ones-again? department
1/16/2011 update at the bottom, now with video of the arrest

This happened at an ABC News taping.  Guess who else works for ABC News?

Michael Falcone and Amy Walter

Trent Humphries: Victim of Verbal Threat
(Falcone and Walter accused Sarah Palin of inserting herself into Giffords story)

Arizona shootings: Injured victim arrested, accused of threats - latimes.com:
"James Eric Fuller, a 63-year-old Democratic activist, was arrested after shouting "You're dead!" at Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries, said Pima County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jason Ogan. Fuller was shot in the knee and back Jan. 8 when a gunman opened fire, killing six and injuring 13, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. 
Fuller, a disabled veteran and former campaign volunteer for Giffords, was charged with making threats, intimidation and disorderly conduct and was involuntarily committed for a psychiatric evaluation, Ogan said.

In an interview with Democracy Now on Thursday, Fuller linked the shooting to conservative leaders associated with the tea party, including Sarah Palin, Fox News commentator Glenn Beck and Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle. 'It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,' Fuller said."
If all in this LA Times story is correct, a Democratic activist, who was shot multiple times by a nutty guy Marxist never associated with the Tea Party, yelled unsolicited threats at a Tea Party person, just like Olbermann and Matthews do on MSDNC.  When do Conservatives do this sort of thing?  How long before we hear this is Sarah Palin's fault too?  Stay classy.

Where was all of this "rapid reaction" when Jared Lee Loughner was harassing people before his shooting rampage? Sheriff Dupnik? Hello?

Update 1/16/2011: Fuller was creating an atmosphere of hate before scabs formed on his wounds.
Meet Eric Fuller
The Left finds a new icon.
by John Hayward
Fuller gave an interview with the Democracy NOW radio show, in which he said of the Tucson shootings: “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle, and the rest got their first target.” Presumably he’s not talking about Judge John Roll.
“Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled,” Fuller ranted on, “senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even 9-year-old girls.” I didn’t realize the Second Amendment called for all those things. They must be lurking in one of the penumbras or emanations.
Still does not sound like a Beck or Palin fan.  Did he really manage to leave Rush Limbaugh out of this?  I have not gone to the Democracy NOW transcript to see (just had breakfast and I would like to keep it).

Putting on my "Psychic Suki" ball cap to predict: The Left will claim he suffers from Palin/Beck/Limbaugh fatigue and was engaging in his First Amendment Right to spew death threats at 'fascists'. We all need to understand, the man was shot by a fascist inspired by Sarah Palin.

Arrest Video of Fuller:

The Geraldo Rivera version - Geraldo Eats Crow via Barracuda Brigade:

And isn't his business card precious:
Fuller, age 63, is a political operative who specializes in gathering petitions for ballot initiatives. Before the program began, he passed out business cards to people sitting around him that read:
"Expediting Initiatives since 2006
"J. Eric Fuller
"Political Circulator."
I can never match the fairy-tail telling skills of the Left. 

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The Rush Limbaugh "Straight Shooter" Bullet Hole Billboard

Oh, how scary. The advertiser in Tucson has since replaced it.
This one strikes me as a little more hateful. Vandalism, a hallmark of Leftists, shows you exactly what and who they are.  No respect for private property.  No respect for anybody.

And now for a shout-out to 'sheriff' Dupnik:

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Nancy and the Boss
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Oh, Bob Jacobson if you don't like gun shows, don't attend them.

from the having-a-case-of-the-vapors department
L.A. County blows. Pima County, here we cum!
Related 1/15/2011: James Fuller's death threats create an atmosphere of fear.

I would rather be shooting the Cap & Trade Bill
Bob Jacobson
Bob Jacobson: In Tucson, One Week Later: "The (Gun) Show Must Go On!": "Exactly one week after the attempted assassination in Tucson of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Pima County, in which Tucson is located, is hosting a gun show. And not just any gun show: according to blogs on the right, Crossroads of the West is in Tucson having been 'thrown out' of 'radical' jurisdictions like Los Angeles County.

The L.A. County supervisors decided that Crossroads was a den of domestic arms dealers inciting irresponsible gun use in the nation's largest county. So Crossroads fled across the border to open in Tucson. Its logo: crosshairs. Nice symbolism. Good timing."
The story above was probably #1 with a bullet at HuffPo.
Nice hysteria.  I shall wager to guess that the level of violence at the L.A. County gun show was much lower than in East L.A.
Yes, rifle scope crosshairs there.
No, not rifle crosshairs.
I love the old west! Like my rat rod?

Femdom Cave - Adult Literature for the Discerning Reader
Read Controlling Sarah free at Literotica.Com

Don't be like her, posing with your finger on the trigger before being ready to shoot.  Encourage proper gun safety.

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13 January 2011

I Hear Obama's Speech Was Good and Included a Messiah Moment! Now With Video

Related 1/15/2011: James Fuller's death threats create an atmosphere of fear.
Update 1/13/2011: Video below. Plus, when she really opened her eyes for the first time.
Caught the word that Obama's speech last night was a good one.  Too bad he did not know how to give a good speech for the victims of Major Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas.

They keep playing clips of the speech, so I found a transcript. This is interesting:

I have just come from the University Medical Center, just a mile from here, where our friend Gabby courageously fights to recover even as we speak.  And I want to tell you -- her husband Mark is here and he allows me to share this with you -- right after we went to visit, a few minutes after we left her room and some of her colleagues in Congress were in the room, Gabby opened her eyes for the first time.  (Applause.)  Gabby opened her eyes for the first time.  (Applause.)
 Italics mine.
Another messiah moment!  Another messiah moment? Not quite:
B. Poole TucsonSentinel.com
Giffords is in a drug-induced coma in intensive care. Doctors frequently awaken her to check her responsiveness, and she could open her eyes and respond to simple commands Sunday - an encouraging sign, said Rhee said.
Sunday was a few days before the concert memorial.

I was looking for the witchdoctor pictures, but had to settle for this.

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12 January 2011

Daley: Blame gun laws, not Palin

Chicago's very own Mayor Daley
In another whoosh moment, Chicago's very own Mayor Daley gets the point that Limbaugh and Palin had nothing to do with the murders and attempted murders in Tuscon. Then he calls for abolishing the rights of Americans to carry handguns.

Daley: Blame gun laws, not Palin - Chicago Sun-Times:
"“America has to blame people. . . . That’s the thing that really bothers me. They’re trying to blame the left or the right or Sarah Palin. Or they’re trying to blame political ads or rhetoric on TV. . . . . It has nothing to do with it,” Daley said.

“Everybody has free speech. People can shout and say anything they want. But they have no right to buy a gun . . . that has a clip of fifteen rounds. . . . It’s not the rhetoric. . . . It’s the right to carry these guns or have guns like this that kill people — and that’s what that individual did. You could have all the guards you want. If someone’s five feet from your or ten feet with a gun like this, no one is gonna stop anyone.”"
Talk about missing the point!

COL Bill Badger (Ret.), hero.
For one thing, Colonel Bill Badger (retired) ran to the gunfire, was grazed by a bullet and had his legally owned pistol at the ready as Jared Lee Loughner was being subdued and helped restrain Loughner.  In interviews he has said that he was ready to shoot whomever was doing the shooting.  If Loughner had loaded his next magazine, there is no doubt that the COL(R) would have dropped him with a few shots.

COL Badger is something that Mayor Daley will never be.  A hero.

Sarah Palin. On topic, on target.

Femdom Cave - Adult Literature for the Discerning Reader
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Nancy and the Boss

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Michael Falcone and Amy Walter: Lets see if we can make another journalism myth a reality.

Related 1/15/2011James Fuller's death threats create an atmosphere of fear.

Amy Walter
Michael Falcone
from the what-a-pair-of-clowns department -
The Note: Obama, Palin And Arizona: A Tale Of Two Speeches - The Note:
"BOTTOM LINE: Sarah Palin, once again, has found a way to become part of the story."

The above load of bull is from a pair of ABC news directors on January 12, 2011, after days and days of Sarah Palin being accused of having responsibility for Jared Lee Loughner's homicidal actions.  Can't you two even try to lie in a convincing manner anymore? Sarah did not say anything publicly about this until yesterday, after idiots like you made her the undeserved center of the story.

The mainstream media has become such an out-of-touch echo chamber that it is beyond a joke.  Sarah was placed in the center of the story by you people, your industry and a two-bit leftist sheriff in Pima county Arizona.

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11 January 2011

Obama Impersonator Detained By LAPD

Ted Williams -- Golden Voice Guy Detained By LAPD | TMZ.com:
"It went down at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood -- where Ted and his daughter got into it so loudly ... a hotel employee called the cops."

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Oh Yea, Jared Lee Loughner is soooooo Tea Party!

Posted this in my Slashdot Journal, but I can't illustrate it there very well :)
Related 1/15/2011: James Fuller's death threats create an atmosphere of fear.

The running tally of Loughner's Tea Party-ness
via TMZ.Com
1. He was into Sarah Palin, his Facebook Page said so, therefore it is her fault.
No, actually someone else put up a FB page for him and spelled his name wrong, coincidentally the same way AP spelled it wrong when the story broke, and Palin's name was spelled wrong too. Not very Tea Party.
"Jered Laughner" vs. his real name.
          1.a Sarah Palin targeted Rep. Giffords with rifle-scope cross-hairs, prompting Loughner to shoot her
The "target" marks pre-date Palin by quite a few years and the marks on her page are digital map markers, not a depiction of rifle scopes. Even on the scopes in movies, the cross hairs stay in the circle. Compass points do not. If the critics were right about the Tea Party, even a nut like this would notice that. Not very Tea Party.
2. Rush Limbaugh and others like him influenced Loughner
Well, maybe if he took time out of his busy days of listening to Metal and burning weed*, maybe. But none of his classmates noticed that. They did notice his appreciation of Johnny Darkly Not very Tea Party.
Johnny Darkly
3. His YouTube page featured alternate currency advocacy. Well, yes it did. I have not been able to confirm the report that he wanted to use weed as the alternate currency. Mother Jones says he wanted to use gold or silver and the Guardian infers that he did. Could be Tea Party-ish.
G. Gordon Liddy, gold celebrity.
4. He was a huge Right Winger! Must be Tea Party
Not according to anybody talking about knowing him. They said he was a disruptive leftwing pothead. Not very Tea Party.
Willie Nelson Tea Party?
5. He hated the government and burned flags! Both true, according to his writings and videos. Still, not very Tea Party. Seeking responsible government and disliking the past regime enough to vote them out is a far cry from shooting congresspersons. Burning flags is so not Tea Party.
Kramer is so not Tea Party
6. He said don't trust the government. True, just like a lot of people from '9/11 trufers' to Al Sharpton. The Tea Party has no monopoly on that one.
7. He tried to join the military. True, but he failed his drug screening. Not very Tea Party.
The Vietnam War was a long time ago.
10. He had a creepy skull thingie in the back yard in a tent True, still not very Tea Party.
I think Loughner's was different
11. He shot a Left-Winger, he must be Tea Party
Gun rights, concealed carry advocate Giffords was not "Leftwing" at all. She was Bluedog.
By gabriellegiffords
12. He wore a hoodie!
Pair a red bandanna with that and you have a left-leaning anarchist. Not very Tea Party.
Revisiting that "don't trust the government" point, it would be wise to put that Pima County Sheriff Dupnik at the top of the list. Yes, the one who was blaming Palin and others for what may be more his fault than anybody else's. Loughner did not need Obamacare, he need to get arrested for the threats he was spewing for ages before this incident and then he would have been denied a handgun. If he would have been medically deemed unbalanced, same thing. 
The sheriff has been editorializing and politicizing the event since he took the podium to report on the incident. His blaming of radio personalities and bloggers is a pre-emptive strike because Mr. Dupnik knows this tragedy lays at his feet and his office. Six people died on his watch and he could have prevented it. He needs to step up and start apologizing to the families of the victims instead of spinning this event to serve his own political agenda.
Jared Loughner, pronounced by the Sheriff as Lock-ner, saying it was the Polish pronunciation. Of course he meant Scott or Irish but that isnâ(TM)t the point. The point is he and his office have had previous contact with the alleged assailant in the past and that is how he knows how to pronounce the name.
Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriffâ(TM)s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County. Amy Loughner is a Natural Resource specialist for the Pima County Parks and Recreation. My sympathies and my heart goes out to her and the rest of Mr. Loughnerâ(TM)s family. This tragedy must be tearing them up inside wondering if they had done the right things in trying to manage Jaredâ(TM)s obvious mental instability.
Every victim of his threats previously must also be wondering if this tragedy could have been prevented if they had been more aggressive in pursuing charges against Mr. Loughner. Perhaps with a felony conviction he would never have been able to lawfully by the Glock 9mm Model 19 that he used to strike down the lives of six people and decimate 14 more.
*I am all for legalizing MJ, but very much against substance abuse. Use does not equal abuse.

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