06 June 2009

Suki, thanks for the last post.

Unfortunatly, in today's environment, I must say I have no problem with the Palestinians and Israeli's who don't just run about killing eachother.

I have an issue with the Palestinians sending in their children to murder schoolkids and bringing Israeli kick-ass into Gaza.

Late edit on 7 June 2009, 1825: Israel and the USA pretty much have a policy of "don't fuck with us and nobody gets hurt".  It would be nice if our enemies would pay a bit of attention to that.

05 June 2009

Jihad Watch Translates Obama's Speech

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I Have New Carpet Now

Carpet guys just left, carpenter is still working on doors and setting off smoke alarm.

Book Feedback

I don't know if it is a bad idea to post bad feedback about your own book on your own blog about your book, but I am doing it anyway.

My good friend, Suki, did not edit the whole book, she did not even see the whole book until it was done and she has not had time to read it yet.  She helped with female characters and a little about what women like to see in male characters.

My best friend, Danielle, finally got a DVD copy of the book.  She says it has too many parts that drag, which is something I was afraid of.  Not making any excuses here, but she does like lots of action.

She likes shoes too, but says I give too much detail on that.  Problem there on my end, women's shoes are something I can describe easily, but I had to dig for the proper name of a shirt dress and that slows the writing process.  In the future I will be investing the time in other descriptors and educating myself on the proper names of other items.

Seems I spent too many pages describing the environment and have too many lines of dialogue for things that can be said more concisely.

All of these things might have been caught if I had gotten a beta reader or could have gotten a copy to Danielle earlier.

My vow of not revealing the existence of this book to any future date has already been broken.  But, she does not know the title, location, any of the web info or anything like that.  And she knows the reason too:  three women in a row started incorporating stuff from the book as if it were a guide for dating me.  It begins flattering then gets annoying.

The last two had to mention how their sense of smell is so good.  The latest one was better at it than the previous one, but she went overboard with it too.  She went overboard with a lot of things, but it was usually received well by me.  Let me stop right there because I was talking about her in the previous post.  Skipping back to the other sense of smell girl, she was blatant and annoying from the beginning of our only date to the end.

Seems none of them realized they were emulating the wrong character to get my attention anyway.

Anyway, new first date is cool with my thoughts on this.  Will see how things go meeting a real woman rather than one morphing into a fictional character.

Another Contractor Day

Today is new carpet day at my place. New doors for the bedroom too. I think touch up painters are coming by today also.

Hope everything gets done by a decent hour. Have yet another "first date" tonight downtown.

Something that is difficult not to blog about is my last date, that Suki alludes to in another post. The difficulty? This was the hands-down winner in train wreck date stories, ever. EVER! It is total blog gold!

The previous winner was a girl who thought she had a chip implanted in her ankle by the CIA that recorded everything she did. She revealed this after we were naked in my livingroom watching a movie on our first (and last) date.

After the fact, my long-distance last girlfriend, whom I now had an open relationship with (that was going to be exclusive if we ever got back to the same city together again) was in fear of my safety. LDGF had lots of issues, but as long as she was in therapy and taking the proper meds, she was fine. My best friend told me to run. I helped her get a job and tried to get her hooked up with some therapy, but it did not work and I have not heard from her in a while.

A runner up was a girl who asked me about a million times if I was really, truly single then later revealed that she was in a relationship. Never bothered getting to know her.

The people who know my side of this story all agree, they have never heard anything this bizarre. Like I said, it is bigger than the stuff I just mentioned.

The setting is perfect for making the train wreck bigger.

The ending is outstanding too.

Why can't I blog about it? I just think it would be wrong. I do not think it happened maliciously, but I do think it was somewhat intentional from the drama freak I had the dates with. Only the last date was a train wreck, after a seemingly great week.

31 May 2009

Star Trek Review

BLUF: I liked it.
Son took me to see the new Star Trek for early Father's Day. Good call. I do not think I have any spoilers in here.
First thing I noticed I liked: Beastie Boy's Sabotage while a young James T. Kirk was destroying his stepfather's Corvette. Shatner tie-in here. Shatner does not appear in the movie.

Odd things: the Romulans have gone all steampunk for this movie. Apparently their steampunk mining ships are made of more durable stuff than planets, because massive gobs of "red matter" take longer to destroy a Romulan mining vessle than a little drop takes to destroy a planet.

Uhura is the hottie of the movie.

They had to use some crazy "time has been changed" crap to have Spock's mother die in the transporter but still appear in the series.

The character John Tagliaferro, in Suki I, is a Star Trek fan, on the mild side. It is not mentioned in that book but will be in the series.
