11 November 2009

The Infiltrator

It is sad to write something like this on Veterans Day. It is sad to have thirteen dead heroes, over thirty wounded heroes and one live, treasonous traitor at Fort Hood, Texas.  Maybe if I were a little quicker on the draw I could have had it done yesterday.

The media spin is both incredible and not unexpected.  I shall call it uncredible.  So many of them seem to think that every single one of us who have served are some sort of ticking time bomb. Brain damaged goods. Unbalanced from the “horrors.” Horrors that they imagine and amplify, as if sitting in an office and writing about others is the only worthwhile pursuit that there is. Anything else is just evil, bad, or greedy, which is fortunate for them because that is their raw material.

In the media saturated part of Virginia where I live and work, a large swath of the residents not in media have the same notions. Many of them spread propaganda, most I suspect from their ideology, some I am sure through being on the payroll of some foreign or domestic enemy. I refuse to believe that any of them do it purely for money, for most it is probably some ratio of money and ideology that turns them.

Revealing that I wanted to deploy with the last unit I was in, before I was discharged (for my own failing to meet the military education requirement for promotion and being an Officer too long generating the discharge) is met with disbelief and astonishment, that I usually respond to with an eye roll and an attempted subject change.

So, now, let us turn to the case of Major Nidal (AbduWali) M. Hasan, US Army Medical Corps and begin with a few facts:

Completed basic Infantry Training at Benning in 1988, as Private Hasan, shortly after graduating high school. Here, look at the diploma;

Became a Commissioned Officer 22 June 1997 direct commission Combat Casualty CRS (AMEDD);

He continues service in the Army today, even under arrest in his hospital room;

In 2001 he was attending a radical Mosque, at least a Mosque with a radical Imam (who has since praised Maj. Hasan's terrorist acts), the same one members the 9/11 terrorist crew attended. Hundreds of people attending that Mosque don’t do anything bad, that we know of, but now we know of three who did commit acts of terrorism. He was still maintaining contact with the radical Imam recently via email;

Major Hasan was verbally counseled for proselytizing to a patent at Walter Reed Army Hospital and had a history of preaching radical Islamic Jihad to his peers;

He publically praised the attack by Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad at a recruiting station in Arkansas;

He gave away many of his belongings in the days leading to the terrorist attack he performed.

I am sure this is not the end of the list. Time will tell. Just from the information above, I can see that this Officer was no Sudden Jihad Syndrome victim. He was going along with a plan, for years, to undermine the morale of the Soldiers around him. He was working inside our Army for our enemies.

The excuse that he suddenly was worried that he was being deployed to a Muslim country and it is against his faith hold no water at all. Forces there have been at war with us there since 2001 and he sure as hell did not need to stay in our Army if he thought so strongly against our public policy, of defending ourselves from and retaliating against terrorists, even if they are Muslim. He could have quit whatever program he was in then. There are plenty of other ways to get out of the Army, even as a Psychiatrist during a war that he had yet to deploy for.  He even could have left our Army and joined his.  But he didn't.  He stayed in our Army to continue disrupting it.

He hung around the Army for over TWENTY YEARS, spewing his vile bile and being a general pain in the ass to his peers and patients. I have seen no reports of when he started preaching this radical (mainstream for him and his peers) nonsense, but I suspect it was earlier than what is being reported as of this writing. No wonder he got ‘harassed’ and that is a sarcastic quote, because I don’t believe he was harassed at all. When people tell you to shove it and get lost because you are annoying them with your Jihad advocacy, that is NOT harassment. Someone needs to tell many other Palestinians, besides Maj. Hasan, this too. Like the ones I knew in college, that not even their Muslim brothers from other countries could stand. If I don’t agree with you I am not harassing you. If you persist, you are harassing me. Calling me a Zionist is not the way to germinate sympathy for you or your cause either.  Actually, it is 'unpossible' for you to get me to like that cause, so just shut up already.

As Rush Limbaugh asked on the radio today, what does it take to call this a terrorist incident? Dick Durbin (D-IL), who called American Soldiers terrorists (falsely), is calling on people not to rush to judgment in this case. What the hell is wrong with that man? There is already plenty of evidence that this Major was a terrorist in the ranks of our own military. He was engaged in a systematic plan to disrupt our forces. He was not acting like the normal, patriotic Muslims and Troops of other faiths that we have throughout the Services. He was acting as an agent of a foreign enemy. The President and others in the command chain do need to refrain from certain speech to avoid a Command Influence defense, getting the case against Major Hasan thrown out. Senators, columnists, newscasters, Civil Servants and private citizens do not.

Another apparent tragedy is the way he was investigated for his actions. From current media reports, the intelligence and law enforcement agencies did not staff the evidence very well to the Pentagon and the analyst in the Pentagon appears to have not staffed it in his section, summarily dismissing the series of emails between Major Hasan and his radical Imam friend. Time will tell on that one too.

I know this will fall on blind eyes, but please, mainstream media, see this even for what it is: A Terrorist Act On American Soil.

Other articles on this topic:
Sometimes, an extremist really is an extremist by Jonah Goldberg
The PTSD Evasion by Rich Lowry
When Nidal Hasan Reached Out to Al-Qaeda, Why Was Nothing Done About It? by Melissa Clouthier
Dare to Call It Terrorism by Andrew C. McCarthy

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Suki I, Suki II, Suki III, Suki IV

A Salute to My Fellow Veterans

Thank you all for your service to our country!

Wish I was still serving in uniform with you.  I am working on some homework in your support, revising a regulation.

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Suki I, Suki II, Suki III, Suki IV

Happy Veteran's Day!

Special thanks to ALL of our Proud, Heroic, Patriotic and Loyal Veterans. We all owe our freedom to YOU!

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Suki I, Suki II, Suki III, Suki IV

10 November 2009

Hello Mohave County!

Mohave County, nice too see you again.

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Suki I, Suki II, Suki III, Suki IV

Army Major Malik Nadal Hasan, Victim of Institutionalized American Bigotry

What happens when you come up through the ranks of the Army, reach the top of your field, and then casually mention that you are of the Islamic Faith? If you guessed being shunned and called a camel jockey, you would be correct.
That is what happened to Major Hasan, US Army. No more no less.
It is no wonder he lashed out at the people who taunted him. He is a Field Grade Officer, but everybody blatantly ignored his orders and calls to the faith. The only reason, as we all know, is because his faith is Muslim. Of course, being Muslim automatically means that you are fundamentalist in the face of any other evidence, just because you had a bad day and defendes yourself against your tormentors.
Even his own relatives say he is peaceful and harmless. How many fundamentalists regularly visit strip clubs and drink beer like he did? I say that number is zero. He even tipped the dancers well and asked about their lives. He was probably trying to find a wife there and give her a better life. He is just as normal as you or I. Even moreso, he was generous, giving away many of his belongings to people who needed them more than he. The Army was taunting the wrong Muslim and turned him into a nuisance. If he were Christian of Jewish, none of this would have happened.
Major Hasan was obviously deeply affected by the Soldiers he was made to counsel, returning from Bush’s wars, infecting him with secondhand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. All of that after years of FBI harassment and investigations for expressing his views, then the Army threatened to put him on the front lines in Afghanistan. They should have known this would create Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

(updated 11/11/2009)
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08 November 2009

TENN 34 SF 20

I am not believing this football game.  Why didn't this Titans team show up at the beginning of the year?

2:45 left.

Make that 34 - 27

I am the happiest boy in the whole USA.  Listening to Crusin from the Suki IV soundtrack.
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American Muslims Praise Fort Hood Palestinian-American Terrorist

Sorry, Suki had problems playing this from the source on Chrome.  Worked OK on IE 8.0.  Hat tips to Debora Amorino and Networkblogs (that last link is the one Suki had problems with on Chrome).

How can anybody associate with scum like this?  Being on their side is one way, I guess.  They are praising Palestinian-American terrorist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan.

Looks like Rachel Corrie missed out.  This pack is in New York, NY and they call themselves "Revolution Muslim".  At least they are out in the open with it.  Not like the Bund or Muslim Brotherhood, the latter claiming that Hamas just builds schools and hospitals.

Previous coverage of this here.

Yea baby, get that Hijab on.

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Guess who is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?

If you guessed extremist Palistinian-American Muslim Major Nidal Malik Hasan, US Army Medical Corps, and the confirmed 5 November 2009 shooter at Fort Hood Texas, you would be correct.  It is now known that he has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.  For those too lazy busy to hit the link, these are the well funded terrorist supporters who radicalize American Muslims, recruit Americans into radical Islam and make fluffy pretty press releases saying they are only doing nice things.  I have not heard of their love for kittens and puppies yet, but keep your eyes peeled in upcoming news cycles.

Report: Hasan attended same radical mosque as 9/11 hijackers; Update: “He was a typical fundamentalist Muslim”

No shit.

The Mosque they are talking about is the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Great Falls, Virginia.  He later attended a radical Mosque in Silver Spring, Maryland.

More from the Telegraph (a source noted in the Hotair article):

Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.
Wow, shocker [not].

American Muslims in NYC praise the Palestinian-American terrorist here.

National Review coverage here.

Spectator UK story here, on Jihad denial.

Sen. Joe Lieberman calls Fort Hood massacre a 'terrorist' act

Texas Rangers join the fight.

Bob Schieffer is a breath of fresh air at otherwise horrid CBS news:
I don't care how hard-up the Army is for mental health professionals - a government psychiatrist with bad performance ratings who had been trying to get out of the Army and who had been saying what Dr. Hasan had been saying about the war on terrorism, should not have been shipped off to Fort Hood to give grief counseling.
Muslim Community Worries About Backlash
My ass!  These guys (the bad part, not the good guys) get to waltz around doing whatever the hell they want to do as they wait to strike.  Watch out for the whiners, like CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist enablers.  They just want to shut everybody up so they can continue with their shady operations.

This Christian Science Monitor story has a great quote, least you be under the impression that Service Members pick on Muslims in the service:
While racism and religious intolerance exist in American society and the military reflects that, it's unlikely that in today's modern military, a Muslim officer would be overtly harassed: It would be a violation of rank and authority, says one Muslim officer, who says such charges don't ring true for her.

Maj. Aisha Bakkar says that her fellow Marine officers and enlisted Marines have never had a problem with her religious background. On the contrary, she believes that people are receptive to her faith and that the events of 9/11 actually have enlightened a lot of people about Islam.
See my initial comments on this here (includes appropriate erotica links not appropriate for work).
Major Hasan is reported to still be in a coma in a San Antonio, TX hospital but off of the ventilator.

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