09 February 2010

Fourth Hand Smoke Thread at Reason

SugarFree got a good discussion going in response to this BBC story.

SugarFree|2.9.10 @ 8:59AM|

"Third-hand smoke" article in the NYT a year ago. BBC is johnny come superlately.
I shall recycle my comment:
I'm deathly afraid of fourth-hand smoke, which is the use by blog comment avatar of virtual tobacco products. And fifth-hand smoke, which is watching a movie, reading a book, or listening to a song about tobacco products. And sixth-hand smoke, which reading a review of any movie, book, or song that mentions tobacco products.

I have a Federal grant to discover seventh-hand smoke and how to combat it.

Johnny Longtorso|2.9.10 @ 9:12AM|

Every breath you take contains at least one molecule of air exhaled by Sharon Stone when she was smoking and flashing her junk.

Suki|2.9.10 @ 9:28AM|

Wasn't that a Sting song?

Fist of Etiquette|2.9.10 @ 9:19AM|

And fifth-hand smoke, which is watching a movie, reading a book, or listening to a song about tobacco products.
And I will peer-review your previous findings by recycling a comment of my own about Weaver lighting up in the movie Avatar:
I think there's a valid concern here. Children watching Avatar in 3D are going to see Ripley seemingly puffing on a cig right next to them in the theater. And we all know that virtual secondhand smoke is exactly as dangerous as the real thing.

SugarFree|2.9.10 @ 9:29AM|

Woo! Peer-review! Now Chony has to believe everything I say.

Suki|2.9.10 @ 9:40AM|

Smoking thread = illustrated blog worthy.
Thank you!

bob dole|2.9.10 @ 9:36AM|

Eagerly awaiting a new report on first-derivative hand smoke.
And shouldn't this really have been about gripping-hand smoke?

Read the rest here.

Since Chony was brought up, some of these images are "special" girls.

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