20 September 2010

Lebanese Man Arrested for Bomb Plot in Chicago

Update 21 September 2010: Ray Hanania of New American Media reports -  
"FBI Special Agent in Charge Robert Grant and U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said Hassoun told the FBI informant he was upset with Mayor Daley and Chicago politics. He said he felt the city did not have enough security and he wanted to teach Daley a lesson.

Daley, who is on a business mission to China, and the city have come under criticism in recent months by activists angry over Chicago’s relationship with Israel."

My 2¢, announcing that you want to set bombs in US cities in the name of Islam may be wearing thin, or too much bad press. Saying you want to disrupt commerce and effect political change has an even better ring with the radical US Leftwing.

22 year old Sami Samir Hassoun, of the 4700 block of North Kedzie Avenue (also known as "Little Arabia") was arrested early Sunday morning after Hasson placed a backpack, that he thought was full of explosives near the corner of Eddy and Clark Street, in a curbside trash can on the 3500 block of Clark near Sluggers Sports Bar.  Patrons of a Dave Matthews band concert were leaving Wrigley Field around the same time.

The story attributes the FBI as saying the public was never in danger and that Hassoun had a history of voicing violent plots against the United States.

An internet search shows a Sami Hassoun, of Beiruit, Lebanon, was interviewed by phone in 2004 about his brother, Cpl. Wassef Hassoun a US Marine Interpreter in the 1st US Marine Expeditionary Force, who was allegedly captured near Falluja and held hostage. Cpl. Hassoun was later charged with desertion and disappeared in 2005 before trial. Cpl. Hassoun moved to the US in 2000 with his family and joined the US Marine Corps in 2002. There is no confirmed relation between the two men.

One of Sami Samir Hassoun's alleged plots was to poison the water supply of Chicago, a recurring plot that goes back to the Vietnam War protest era, or earlier.

According to the FBI complaint, Sami Samir Hassoun's motivation was to affect change in the political environment of Chicago, disgruntled with the mayor, and a financial motive to personally profit from planned terrorist acts. He has entered a plea of not guilty.

This is a possible on Sami Hassoun's Facebook Page. The last entry:
Sami Hassoun working on his business strategy plan
Saturday at 12:24pm
Around 12 hours before planting the inert bomb in Wrigleyville.

The uninformed accusations of "entrapment" begin -
JakeSpain: Chicago attempted bomber - sounds like entrapment to me.http://huff.to/9kqKbo Huffpost


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