15 August 2010

Who will pay for California's high-speed rail system? - San Jose Mercury News

Who will pay for California's high-speed rail system? - San Jose Mercury News:
For the next minute, imagine yourself at a car dealership. You're strapped for cash but find a sleek new ride and ask the salesman for a deal.
He quotes you a number that's four times what you have in the bank. And, he warns, even that price isn't fixed -- there's no guarantee you won't pay more in the end.
What do you do?
For California, the lure of its new ride -- a bullet train system capable of whisking passengers between the Bay Area and Los Angeles -- has proved so enticing that the state jumped at the deal, even though it has only a quarter of the money needed.
That's leading some critics to ask whether the state's largest project ever could also prove to be its most financially disastrous.
Suki series tie: transportation in the 2030's is largely private and profitable.

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